For far too long,
I questioned my abilities…
Hi there, and welcome to The Mother Medium!
My name is Mandy, and I am excited to share my spiritual journey with you and assist with your healing. As a young child I experienced the world of spirit regularly but didn’t quite understand what it meant. To be honest, it was downright frightening, given my lack of comprehension at the time. One experience led me to completely shut down the interconnection with spirit, as it became too overwhelming to navigate. I still had a very strong intuition and way of connecting with people that oftentimes left others puzzled, but no longer saw or experienced spirit in the same way.
As soon as I graduated high school, I left for bootcamp to serve the United States Navy. Knowing my family did not have the means to send me to college and no clear sense of direction, I felt that this was my best shot at making something of myself. The Navy truly did offer many opportunities I would not have had otherwise. Shortly after I took the Oath of my second enlistment, I gave birth to my first child, a little girl. This was a pivotal time for the trajectory of my life. At 23 years old, I had a child with an extremely rare genetic condition. So rare in fact, that she was one of 50 world-wide when we received her diagnosis months later. There was little known research as how this condition might affect her, and I was again terrified. Due to her medical complexities and regular hospitalizations, I made the tough request to honorably end my enlistment with the military. Later, her father and I divorced, and I embarked on juggling a career as a single mother to a remarkably disabled child. Fortunately, I was offered a position with the Federal Government as a civil servant and began working my way up the ranks. This was not without hardships as my daughter’s list of conditions and diagnoses grew. Although we were facing extreme challenges, she was and still is one of the brightest lights in life, and we were blessed in many ways. One of those ways, was when a longtime friend from my time in the Navy, expressed feelings for me. This resulted in a romantic relationship and eventually became a loving, chaotic, humorous and fulfilling marriage to my husband, Cory. Along with marriage came a blended family and we went on to have two more children together.
On our wedding day, we experienced unfathomable tragedy. Four of Cory’s family members died in a personal plane crash on their way to our wedding. The small executive airport was unable to give Cory any information when he arrived to pick them up, as there was no confirmation of a crash at the time, and little was known as the employees began checking with surrounding airports for the missing aircraft. When Cory called me to say they could not find the plane, I remember asking, “What do you mean the plane is missing? I don’t understand.” I then asked if I should leave the chapel and reschedule. Our wedding was only supposed to be a very small ceremony with a few immediate family members. Rationally, he suggested that we just go forward with saying our vows in a quick ceremony and then sort things out. Thoughtfully, he expressed that his family would be upset if this was just a misunderstanding and we canceled on their behalf. We quickly said our vows and the photographer snapped maybe a handful of photos. Immediately after, we had not received any updates or communication from the airport or the missing family members. we went home and changed into clothes, boots, packed a survival bag, and plotted out where we thought they could have possibly landed. Just as we set out on our path, we received a call from the state police saying that this was officially considered a missing aircraft and that they had set up a search and rescue base. Strangely enough, it was approximately one mile from where we began our own search. So, there we stood, newlyweds, rain pouring down on us, Cory all the color drained from his skin, me wedding hair soaked and makeup drenching my skin like a sopping watercolor painting, providing any information we could and listening to the police’s instructions as we set out on search parties. Our first 2 days married were spent searching for Cory’s missing family until the wreckage was found, no survivors.
During this time, Cory and I were active members in church. We were both grief-stricken, and I could not come to terms with moving through it. I felt a level of guilt for it being our wedding they were heading to, for not just leaving the chapel and doing it another day, for their other family members and children experiencing this tragedy. There was no goodbye or closure. During this time, my daughter’s epilepsy was wreaking havoc, requiring CPR and regular hospitalizations. The anxiety of losing her coupled with the grief from losing Cory’s family members became unmanageable and I was desperately searching for hope. Through some very divinely orchestrated meetings, a girl I had recently met began telling me about losing her mother and how she saw a medium had helped her in more ways than traditional therapy. Because of my ties within the church, I feared the idea. I knew that this girl was religious, but was shocked when she explained that the medium she was recommending was also religious. I couldn’t rectify this in my brain. Nonetheless, I saw the medium and she absolutely transformed my misconception of what mediumship was. She brought through messages that not only healed me from grief, but also made me less fearful of losing my daughter. Then, she dropped a bomb on me. She said, “You know you are a medium too, right? You will do this work one day.” I was flabbergasted. At the time, I was an analyst working investigations, conducting compliance reviews and risk assessments for the Federal Government. My rationale brain could not compute as I responded, “Oh no, not me. You must be picking up on someone else.” She validated my experiences in childhood with spirit with evidential details and encouraged me to be open to the idea and just see where it went. Soon after, I curiously began reading about mediumship and practicing in small groups. I was astounded how quickly it began. A light had been reignited after years of suppression.
I continued practicing in the “closet” as we like to call it for years. By this time, Cory and I both had daughters from previous relationships and two children together. Managing demanding careers, one medically complex child, along with the other kiddos began creating a great deal of exhaustion. I began experiencing unexplainable synchronicities in life that were pushing me to pursue mediumship as a career, which scared me to death. No pun intended. Up until that point, I had always considered myself to be an average gal, with a solid career and an amazing husband and kids. How could my analytical, overthinking, risk-averse self, up and leave a stable career to pursue something that wasn’t even widely socially accepted? Well, the powers that be made it undeniable, and I slowly began sharing spiritual messages professionally. I am still a practical gal, a mom, a farmer, and I reluctantly roll around in a minivan, and have a sign on my front door that reads, “Welcome to the Shit Show.” Arguably, I don’t fit the stereotypical mold for what you would expect when you meet a medium. Others say that I am relatable, and exude a natural maternal energy, which is by far the best compliment. Being a mom is at the forefront of my core values, along with authenticity and ethics. My youngest daughter has always endearingly referred to me as “mother” instead of mom, which is where The Mother Medium derived. On the other hand, I am no saint. I have life experiences that I’m not always proud of and a bunch that I am. Each of those experiences were humbling and have allowed me to maintain a space free of judgment and the ability to connect more deeply with clients. So much so, that there are therapists who regularly refer their patients to me to assist with moving through grief and life’s challenges.
It has taken a lot to get here. I now embrace working as an evidential medium. This work is remarkably rewarding as it allows me to help others. Likewise, I endeavor to destigmatize the negative connotation that still surrounds spirituality and mediumship by speaking freely about coming to terms with this path. Thank you for being here! I look forward to working with you.
Love & Light,

“Mandy is an amazingly gifted medium! She is so kind and the evidence she brought through for my loved ones was so healing and accurate. I highly recommend booking with Mandy if you are wanting to connect with your loved ones on the other side!”
- Kimberly L.
A video recording of an evidential mediumship reading
If you’re wondering what it’s like to receive messages from loved ones on the other side, check out the video above. In this video, Mandy helps a family find a family treasure that has been lost. NOTE: This video is shared with the permission of the client. The video has been blurred to protect their privacy.